Huan Zhu Ge Ge II Episode 44 Eng sub

Er Kang and Xiao Jian stroking each other’s …egos in this episode a lot. Literary inquisition, which seems pretty obvious. Sorry Er Kang, but the day you dream of is still not here today.

It drove me crazy how much they sat around not eating in this episode. Maybe I was just hungry every time I worked on this episode. But a huge spread of food, and everyone’s sitting around talking/crying? Big aiya mood.

The dishes are mostly all commonly used 4-word phrases, some of which they often use in the show! But not all are idioms. XYZ’s catchphrase, “only a head and a life to lose” is 2 4-word phrases, the head being the fish, and the body/life being the chicken in the soup. Not an idiom though. A little forced for a comedy section, but welcome nonetheless. The show is beginning to wrap itself up and coming full circle with the references.

Also who the f casually carves a watermelon for a 10+ course dinner you make all by yourself?? And is it me or does a vinegary spicy braised pork belly sound absolutely delicious? Some acidity to cut the fat, like a nice pork adobo. XYZ is a chef prodigy.


Episode 44 – Get it here!

We’re almost at the end. Probably by the end of the week :’)


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